
Hi everyone,

My name is Carlos Vega and I’m from small village in Mallorca, Spain. For those who don´t know, it is an small island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea that is very special as it has very beautiful beaches and also mountains in Serra de Tramuntana. So, as you can imagine… this place is mainly focused on tourism.

My first contact with computers was at 5-6 years old with my father´s Amstrad PC2286, when I wanted to play Prince Of Persia on it. But I discovered I wanted to work on IT since I was 2nd ESO (13 years old more or less), when at school we started playing around with HTML and they introduced us to very simple programming. I used to like go home and assemble and disassemble an old computer we had at home.

When I was 18, I join a two years degree (Grado Superior in spanish) abount System and Networks Administration. After that I started working, and thinking that I had learned nothing during that degree, I enrolled in a Telecommunications Engineering Bachelors Degree in the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). During those years I moved through different companies and sectors got more DevOps methodologies and helping development teams to be more autonomous in the deployment lifecycle.

Manuela and Vili Carlos Voltors

During my spare time I love to spend time with my dogs (Vili, Manuela and Cher :service_dog:) walking, going to the park or do some trekking. Also, I like sports, since I was 4 years old I have been doing judo, basketball and american football including being youth teams trainer. Also, I like to go jogging with Vili or ride my mountain bike on the weekends.

The idea about writing this blog is to share some some technical knowledge and try to increase my communication skills, so, don’t push me too hard if the grammar and vocabulary is not the best. Just have in mind that I am trying to get better. :smile: